For the past 2 months, I have been participating in WonderMill’s Grain Mill Wagon Challenge. You can see my 5 posts at
I used the WonderMill Grain Mill for all of these whole grain recipes by making freshly milled whole grain flours. The WonderMill is a very high quality electric grain mill and I really enjoyed using it for these challenges. The WonderMill turns grains instantly into flour, a nice change from manually cranking my hand grain mill that I bought specifically to still work during power out situations. I now keep my hand grain mill in my storage room and use the WonderMill for my day to day flour milling.
Here are a few photos from My Recipe Posts for this challenge:

Spelt Chocolate Chip Cookies

Whole Grain Peach Pancakes

Kamut Pumpkin Pancakes

Whole Wheat Tortillas

KAMUT Breakfast Muffins