Little Bits of Kindness Can Make Big Differences

This post is a break from food and prepping to focus on our values and our individual character, which is something we should always work on through out our lives.

Lots of HandsI have a son with special needs (he has autism) and being around him has helped me see how special people with handicaps are. I feel deep inside me that God has a special place for them in the life after our earthly life, they are definitely special spirits. As such, my heart always hurts when I see special needs children that are not given the chance to have loving families.

I recently learned of Reece’s Rainbow charity, which inspired me to write this post. Reece’s Rainbow raises funds for families to adopt Down Syndrome orphans (see those children who have been adopted already). I have known many people who struggle to have children because of medical reasons and the adoption process is hard enough even with out the high costs of doing it. Reece’s Rainbow helps to remove that high cost hurdle of adopting these little angels.

I recently donated to Reece’s Rainbow and I plan to donate $10 – $20 here and there in the future because I feel that if lots of people donate a little here and there it adds up quickly. I may not be able to make a difference by myself but my little donation combined with several others little donations make a big difference.

This is not a post to get you to donate to Reece’s Rainbow but rather to remind you to not forget others in this world. I encourage each of you to try to make a difference in the world, even if it is just a little donation or small act of kindness to those around you. Those little efforts of yours will combine with other people’s acts of kindness to possibly change the coarse of someone’s life for good. I also believe that God smiles upon those who do little things for someone else, especially his precious little children.

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